CCPS works collaboratively with the Florida Department of Health-Collier regarding notifications to parents of students
or individuals on our school campuses or in school activities determined to be close contacts. Parents/guardians of students
determined to be close contacts were directly notified.
The CCPS COVID-19 Information Page is updated each weekday based on independent confirmation of positive cases by the Department of Health-Collier (DOH-Collier) for students and staff on traditional school campuses
A parent, student, or a staff member may report positive results which are not yet independently confirmed by the DOH-Collier
Once independently confirmed by DOH-Collier, the results are added to the CCPS COVID-19 Information Page during the next weekday depending on the time the information is received
Weekends and holidays impact the timeline for receiving the confirmed results from DOH-Collier and updating the CCPS COVID-19 Information Page
Please contact with any questions.