School Year

Data Analysis - Needs Assessment

PatternELAMathScienceSocial Studies
What trends emerge across grade levels, subgroups, and core content areas?
Low proficiency levels in grades 3, 4, and 5.
Decrease in gain scores in 4th and 5th grade, especially in the L25.
Proficiency levels below the state.
Which data component showed the most improvement? What new actions did your school take in this area?
Improving K & 1 Foundational skills, departmentalizing in 5th grade science, evidence of student learning in math
Which data component showed the lowest performance? Explain the contributing factor(s) to last year's low performance and discuss any trends.
ELA proficiency levels were the lowest performing areas in grades 3-5.
Which data component showed the greatest decline from the prior year? Explain the factor(s) that contributed to this decline.
Lowest 25 gains in math showed the biggest decrease.
Which data component had the greatest gap when compared to the state average? Explain the factor(s) that contributed to this gap and any trends. State data can be found here.
4th grade ELA proficiency was 15 points below the state. We have had an increase in ELL students and one teacher adjustment was made.
Rank your highest priorities (maximum of 5) for school improvement in the upcoming school year.
3rd Grade ELA Proficiency Levels, L25 Gains in Math, Science Proficiency Levels

SIP - Areas of Focus

At Mike Davis Elementary School, students will achieve personal success in their learning and will become responsible and productive citizens.
Mike Davis Elementary School will provide a learning environment that will empower students reach their full potential, both personally and academically. This will be accomplished through the implementation of best practices and strong partnerships among parents, community members and staff members.
The overall ELA proficiency levels in grades 3-5 will improve from 50% to 54% as evidenced by the 2025 FAST Assessment.
(View Marzano Model)
Helping students examine their reasoning
Action #1
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Conduct bi-weekly collaborative planning meetings with a focus on examining student reasoning.
Person Responsible:
Melissa Stamper
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Lesson plans will be checked weekly, and classroom walkthroughs with specific feedback will be conducted to ensure lesson plans are being implemented effectively.
Action #2
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Individual data meetings will take place quarterly with teachers in order to assess student progress and create action plans when progress is not being made.
Person Responsible:
Meghan Leiti
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Administration will conduct quarterly data meetings, in addition to weekly data review meetings during collaborative planning.
Action #3
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Research based interventions will be put into place when students are not making adequate progress.
Person Responsible:
Jennifer Cuebas
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
MTSS meetings will be conducted every six weeks to monitor students' progress.
Funding SourceFunctionObjectProjectBudget NarrativeFTEAmount
Title I Part A5100131254282Resource Teachers are hired using Title 1 Funds in order to provide students with research based interventions.2.61$228,374.07
Title I Part A6400330254282Get Your Teach on Conference (2 Teachers) $3,584.08
Title I Part A5100510254282Instructional Supplies $1,081.27
Title I Part A5900131254282Saturday School Tutoring Program (Teacher Pay) $16,432.20
Title I Part A7300161254282Saturday School Tutoring Program (Non-Instructional Pay) $2,218.35
Title I Part A7800798254282Saturday School Transportation for Students $1,350.00
Title I Part A7900390254282Saturday School - Custodian $855.00
Title I Part A6150390254282Printing Services - Student Planners $1,400.00
Title I Part A6150161254282Parent Involvement Translation services $700.00
Title I Part A6150510254282Parent Involvement Supplies $601.34
Title I Part A6150519254282Ink to print parent involvement communication $300.00
The Math Lowest 25%tile Gains will increase from 51% to 55% as evidenced by the 2025 FAST Assessment.
(View Marzano Model)
Helping students examine their reasoning
Action #1
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Conduct bi-weekly collaborative planning meetings with a focus on examining student reasoning.
Person Responsible:
Amanda Eble
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Lesson plans will be checked weekly, and classroom walkthroughs with specific feedback will be conducted to ensure lesson plans are being implemented effectively.
Action #2
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Incorporate targeted small group interventions into core math blocks.
Person Responsible:
Classroom Teachers
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Small group formative assessment data will be analyzed at MTSS meetings and informed instructional decisions will be made. Small group instruction will be monitored using formative assessment data at our MTSS meetings.
Action #3
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Use standards based spiral review questions to revisit/reteach previous concepts.
Person Responsible:
Classroom Teachers
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Formative Assessment data will be analyzed to determine which standards need to be retaught and which standards were mastered.
Funding SourceFunctionObjectProjectBudget NarrativeFTEAmount
Title I Part A5100131254282A math coach will be funded through Title 1 in order to provide support in implementing best practices in math school wide.1.00$98,889.90
The Science proficiency levels will increase from 52% to 56% as evidenced by the 2025 FAST Assessment.
(View Marzano Model)
Helping students examine their reasoning
Action #1
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Implement hands on science activities regularly which incorporate student conversation and examining reasoning, with an emphasis on academic vocabulary.
Person Responsible:
Classroom Teachers
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Effectiveness of these activities will be monitored through weekly walkthroughs with specific feedback and analysis of student data/work samples.
Action #2
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
In addition to spiral review, we will be using flipped classroom strategies to review previously taught content.
Person Responsible:
Yami Trejo, Sandy Kivett
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Exit slips will be used to monitor students' understanding of critical content.
Funding SourceFunctionObjectProjectBudget NarrativeFTEAmount
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No response.
(View Marzano Model)
No response.
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No response.
(View Marzano Model)
No response.
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By the end of the 2024-2025 School Year, the number of positive referrals will increase by 5%.
(View Marzano Model)
Increase positive reinforcement and positive parent phone calls.
Action #1
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
Monthly phone call challenges will be implemented for teachers to increase positive phone calls home.
Person Responsible:
Meghan Leiti
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Score boards will be used to monitor that phone calls are being made.
Action #2
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
The school counselor will call home after students receive a positive referral and present them on the news.
Person Responsible:
Paula Castro
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
A spreadsheet of positive referral phone calls will be maintained in TEAMS.
Action #3
Action Steps to implement evidence-based strategy:
A PBIS committee will meet monthly to review PBIS data and determine upcoming school wide incentives.
Person Responsible:
Meghan Leiti
Progress Monitoring Evidence:
Positive referral data will be reviewed at monthly committee meetings.
Funding SourceFunctionObjectProjectBudget NarrativeFTEAmount
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Schoolwide Program Plan (SWP) Requirements

This section must be completed if the school is implementing a Title I, Part A SWP and opts to use the SIP to satisfy the requirements of the SWP plan, as outlined in the ESSA, Public Law No. 114-95, § 1114(b). This section is not required for non-Title I schools.

Budget Document Uploads

File NameUpload Date
MDE-FY25 Title I Use of Funds 12-3-24 Sal Inc.xlsx 01/07/2025

Provide the methods for dissemination of this SIP, UniSIG budget and SWP to stakeholders (e.g., students, families, school staff and leadership and local businesses and organizations). Please articulate a plan or protocol for how this SIP and progress will be shared and disseminated and to the extent practicable, provided in a language a parent can understand. (ESSA 1114(b)(4))

List the school's webpage* where the SIP is made publicly available.
* A webpage is not sufficient as the sole method of dissemination.

The SIP is shared with SAC for input and updates are provided quarterly. It is also posted on the school’s website and a copy is kept in the main office for stakeholders to access and review when requested.


Describe how the school plans to build positive relationships with parents, families and other community stakeholders to fulfill the school’s mission, support the needs of students and keep parents informed of their child’s progress.

List the school's webpage* where the school's Family Engagement Plan is made publicly available. (ESSA 1116(b-g))
* A webpage is not sufficient as the sole method of dissemination.

Every year the school develops a Parent and Family Engagement Policy/Plan (PFEP) with feedback from parents. This plan is sent home to all parents in understandable format and translated, in a language the parents can understand. The Parent and Family Engagement plan is posted on the school website and shared via social media.


Describe how the school plans to strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning time and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum. Include the Area of Focus if addressed in Part II of the SIP. (ESSA 1114(b)(7)ii))

Systems are in place to continually monitor students' academic achievement and make adjustments to supports. The MTSS teams meet every six weeks to analyze formative assessment data and make implement or adjust interventions as necessary. Additionally, grade level teams meet bi weekly for collaborative planning in order plan effective instruction based on data, with a focus on examining student reasoning in all subjects.


If appropriate and applicable, describe how this plan is developed in coordination and integration with other Federal, State, and local services, resources and programs, such as programs supported under ESSA, violence prevention programs, nutrition programs, housing programs, Head Start programs, adult education programs, career and technical education programs, and schools implementing CSI or TSI activities under section 1111(d). (ESSA 1114(b)(5))

• Collier County Schools provide a systematic and strategic approach to providing services through the District Strategic Plan and the K-12 Comprehensive Reading Plan. The goals and objectives of each program and department are aligned with these overarching district plans. • Title I Parts A, C, D, UniSIG, Title II, Part A, and Title IV are managed out of the same department. They share administrative staff so that oversight, coordination, budgeting, staffing, and monitoring are efficiently coordinated. Informal communications and monthly administrative meetings are held to discuss program needs, issues, and coordinate efforts. • Leadership staff of the Title I Parts A, C, D, Title II, Title III, Title IV, Head Start/VPK, and Title IX programs meet monthly to coordinate efforts and receive joint staff development for improving their services. • Teaching & Learning (T&L) department meetings include academic program coordinators, including IDEA, and Head Start. • Title IX, LEA, Title I Parts A and C coordinate services to identify and assist homeless children, assist with registration, and provide support services. Title I and District jointly fund the Homeless Liaison to support homeless students in all schools. • Title I Parts A and C and Title III funds are coordinated to provide at-risk students with supplemental instructional support and resources. • Title II, Part A and IDEA fund exam reimbursements to ensure staff meet certification requirements.

CSI, TSI and ATSI Resource Review

Describe the process to review school improvement funding allocations and ensure resources are allocated based on needs. This section must be completed if the school is identified as ATSI, TSI or CSI in addition to completing an Area(s) of Focus identifying interventions and activities within the SIP (ESSA 1111(d)(1)(B)(4) and (d)(2)(C).

No response.

Reading Achievement Initiative for Scholastic Excellence (RAISE)

For the 2024-2025 school year, the criteria includes schools with students in grades three through five where 50 percent or more of its students, in any grade level, score below a level 3 on the most recent statewide English Language Arts (ELA) assessment; or progress monitoring data collected from the coordinated screening and progress monitoring system pursuant to s. 1008.25(9), F.S., shows that 50 percent or more of the students are not on track to pass the statewide, standardized grade 3 ELA assessment for any grade level kindergarten through grade 3; and at least 10 students must be present for both the second and third full-time equivalent (FTE) survey periods and must be enrolled at the time of the statewide, standardized testing.

Include a description of your Area of Focus (Instructional Practice specifically relating to Reading/ELA) for each grade below, how it affects student learning in literacy, and a rationale that explains how it was identified as a critical need from the data reviewed. Data that should be used to determine the critical need should include, at a minimum:

  • The percentage of students below Level 3 on the 2023−2024 statewide, standardized ELA assessment. Identification criteria must include each grade that has 50 percent or more students scoring below Level 3 in grades 3-5 on the statewide, standardized ELA assessment.
  • The percentage of students in kindergarten through grade 3, based on 2023−2024 coordinated screening and progress monitoring system data, who are not on track to score Level 3 or above on the statewide, standardized ELA assessment.
  • Other forms of data that should be considered: formative, progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment data.

Grades K-2: Instructional Practice specifically relating to Reading/ELA

Collaborative structures will be a focus in grades K-2 in order to increase student dialogue.

Grades 3-5: Instructional Practice specifically related to Reading/ELA

Effective small group instruction will be a focus in grades 3-5 in order to further differentiate and give students time for discussion in small group.