For the 2024-2025 school year, the criteria includes schools with students in grades three through five where 50 percent or more of its students, in any grade level, score below a level 3 on the most recent statewide English Language Arts (ELA) assessment; or progress monitoring data collected from the coordinated screening and progress monitoring system pursuant to s. 1008.25(9), F.S., shows that 50 percent or more of the students are not on track to pass the statewide, standardized grade 3 ELA assessment for any grade level kindergarten through grade 3; and at least 10 students must be present for both the second and third full-time equivalent (FTE) survey periods and must be enrolled at the time of the statewide, standardized testing.
Include a description of your Area of Focus (Instructional Practice specifically relating to Reading/ELA) for each grade below, how it affects student learning in literacy, and a rationale that explains how it was identified as a critical need from the data reviewed. Data that should be used to determine the critical need should include, at a minimum:
- The percentage of students below Level 3 on the 2023−2024 statewide, standardized ELA assessment. Identification criteria must include each grade that has 50 percent or more students scoring below Level 3 in grades 3-5 on the statewide, standardized ELA assessment.
- The percentage of students in kindergarten through grade 3, based on 2023−2024 coordinated screening and progress monitoring system data, who are not on track to score Level 3 or above on the statewide, standardized ELA assessment.
- Other forms of data that should be considered: formative, progress monitoring and diagnostic assessment data.
Grades K-2: Instructional Practice specifically relating to Reading/ELA
Increase K - 2 ELA proficiency as follows:
Kinder - Star EL from 52% to 55% and Kinder - Star Reading 75% to 78% (3% increase)
First Grade - Star Reading from 44% to 51% (7% increase)
Second Grade - Star Reading from 51% to 54% (3% increase)
By FY25 PM3.
Grades 3-5: Instructional Practice specifically related to Reading/ELA
No reponse.
State the specific measurable outcome the school plans to achieve for each grade below. This should be a data-based, objective outcome. Include prior year data and a measurable outcome for each of the following:
- Each grade K -3, using the coordinated screening and progress monitoring system, where 50 percent or more of the students are not on track to pass the statewide ELA assessment;
- Each grade 3-5 where 50 percent or more of its students scored below a Level 3 on the most recent statewide, standardized ELA assessment; and
- Grade 6 measurable outcomes may be included, as applicable.
Grades K-2 Measurable Outcomes
Kinder - Star EL from 52% to 55% and Kinder - Star Reading 75% to 78% (3% increase)
First Grade - Star Reading from 44% to 51% (7% increase)
Second Grade - Star Reading from 51% to 54% (3% increase)
Grades 3-5 Measurable Outcomes
No reponse.
Describe how the school’s Area(s) of Focus will be monitored for the desired outcomes. Include a description of how ongoing monitoring will impact student achievement outcomes.
K - 2 State progress monitoring will be utilized to monitor student growth and overall proficiency by grade level through proper monitoring of grade level outcomes, frequent data conversations, the use of student data binders, and targeted intervention and support, we should be able to positively impact student achievement outcomes.
Person Responsible for Monitoring Outcome
Enter the name of the person responsible for monitoring this outcome.
Renee Hanson
Describe the evidence-based practices/programs being implemented to achieve the measurable outcomes in each grade and describe how the identified practices/programs will be monitored. The term "evidence-based" means demonstrating a statistically significant effect on improving student outcomes or other relevant outcomes as provided in 20 U.S.C. §7801(21)(A)(i). Florida’s definition limits evidence-based practices/programs to only those with strong, moderate or promising levels of evidence.
- Do the identified evidence-based practices/programs meet Florida’s definition of evidence-based (strong, moderate or promising)?
- Do the evidence-based practices/programs align with the district’s K-12 Comprehensive Evidence-based Reading Plan?
- Do the evidence-based practices/programs align to the B.E.S.T. ELA Standards?
Our school-wide Deliberate Practice Goal is "Helping Students Practice Skills, Strategies, and Processes." Each classroom teacher has selected this element as their Deliberate Practice goal in addition to their own specific goal. All Marzano Elements are considered evidence-based. Other evidence-based practices include direct instruction ad provision of interventions and support that directly correlate to the B.E.S.T. ELA Standards for each grade level along with the use of formative and summative assessments to monitor student progress toward the acquisition of the skills required to master the standards. iReady will also be utilized to help support student learning in addition to direct instruction of Fundations phonics program. Implementation of the new Tier 3 program, SPIRE, will focus on phonics and phonological awareness for students who show this as an area of need. Coach supported collaborative planning will be conducted on a weekly basis to guide teams through the instruction of foundational reading skills and review formative assessments while monitoring student progress. Coaching support will be provided to teachers to ensure the implementation of rigorous and targeted instruction during the DI Block.
Explain the rationale for selecting practices/programs. Describe the resources/criteria used for selecting the practices/programs.
- Do the evidence-based practices/programs address the identified need?
- Do the identified evidence-based practices/programs show proven record of effectiveness for the target population?
Each evidence-based practice above address the identified need of increasing student achievement so that no grade level has a percentage greater than 50% scoring below the 40th percentile.
List the action steps that will be taken to address the school’s Area(s) of Focus. To address the area of focus, identify 2 to 3 action steps and explain in detail for each of the categories below:
- Literacy Leadership
- Literacy Coaching
- Assessment
- Professional Learning
Purposeful Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction.
Revamping of the MTSS process.
Loren Finger